Wednesday, February 19, 2014

SizeMeNow Professional 1.4.102 (64bit) by aufbrecher Download Torrent

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SizeMeNow ProfessionalSizeMeNow Professional torrentDownload Torrent

Version: 1.4.102
Category: File managers
Developer: Ketara Software
Size: 12 Mb
Good rate 17Bad rate2

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Size: 12 mb
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Features: Explore, visualize, and comprehend drive space usage Find the disk space hogs with just a few clicks Visualize the distribution of files by file type, age, and size Schedule automatic scans and generate reports Reclaim gigabytes of drive space in minutes! Customize program layout for your individual needs Multi-threaded scanning algorithm for better performance and responsiveness Interactive, dynamic, full-color, customizable bar and pie charts Scan filtering using powerful regular expressions HTML, XML, CSV and plain text report generation Command-line operation Files types and extensions reports Top 100 files by size, age, or owner Largest files report and drive space monitor. Convenient drive space monitor Chart export to clipboard and image files

Requires: .NET Framework

Review: SizeMeNow Professional is a advanced software solution can conduct a detailed analysis of your computer and provide a marketing o Full report related to the size of disk space usage and folder with. Even if it is a clean interface, you can find the application a bit 'difficult to use at first glance. Theres a file browser on the left, to help you select the folder that you want to analyze, and detailed tables on the right to see the folder's contents each folder. The bottom of the main window is dedicated to graphics and the information collected, showing four different types of statistics: Toys display graphics file types, top 100 files and old files. There are two different ways of viewing charts, bar graphs in 2D and 3D pie charts, each created in a few seconds, a little while distribution ch completed. If you want to save one of the graphics provided by a separate file, you can do so by using specialized tools for Poker p you export data in three different formats, JPG, TIFF and BMP. On the other hand, professional SizeMeNow can also export the full report, this time in four different formats, HTML, XML, text and CSV files. There are many parts that can be exported, including a brief summary of the main board, the digitized data folders, 100 files, litter age and type of graphics file, as well as the first synthesis of disk space. The application runs on a couple of computer resources, but older machines may experience longer load times while fish generate newspapers o new, so faster computers, faster than you have created a report. Upsides sure information is provided, showing you exactly the size of each file or folder than individual files another in a given directory. All in all, SizeMeNow is a solution in the best professional software of its kind and you must try to see how it's really powerful.

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